Pollinator Weeks in Nature Museum Brabant and beyond! For 6 weeks we put pollinators in the spotlight, from April 16 to May 26. Come spend these weeks counting bees, making seed bombs, attending workshops, questioning experts, and much more.

Pollinators are invaluable to our world. Not only do they pollinate flowers, but they are crucial to producing many of our favorite foods, such as apples, juicy berries and colorful vegetables.
Unfortunately, pollinators are threatened worldwide by factors such as habitat loss, pesticides and climate change. Despite these threats, they still play a vital role in maintaining biodiversity and keeping our ecosystems healthy. So let's take a moment together to honor these little heroes and celebrate their vital contribution to life on our planet!

Why are bees important?
Extra attention to bees is important because the number of bees (pollinators) is declining rapidly and that is bad news. 80% of our edible crops and nearly 90% of our wild plants are pollinated by bees and other insects-so they could use help. Will you help?

Check out the program of activities at our calendar. And keep an eye on the calendar, new activities will follow.